We Can See God Working!

Today we are announcing the rebirth of a man named Jonathan, who is in prison but not cast away by God.  A few weeks ago, one faithful student who is behind bars, asked us to send a lesson to another man in the prison, which we did.  The lesson came back with an affirmation that the new student had accepted Jesus’ salvation for himself the night before.  Whether our faithful student lead him to the Lord, or whether he accepted the Lord as he began working through the lesson was not clear, but we can see God working, and we rejoice!

Jonathan is a new babe in Christ who needs our lessons to grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord.  Please pray for  Jonathan.

A few weeks ago we received an email from a couple in Florida who asked for lessons by mail, which we sent ASAP.  They have already returned lesson one along with a request for us to send lessons to a person in Michigan. Once again, we can see God working!

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