Do What You Can for as Long as You Can…

Are any of you who are actively serving the Lord tempted to quit because of sickness, financial hardships, or other trials have come your way? They have often come our way, and more so now that we are past our three score and ten! The work we all want to do for the Lord is hindered. Satan whispers, “Why don’t you just quit and let those who are stronger and better off take over? After all, you have worked long and hard. You shouldn’t have to do this!”

We have a better idea, why not do what we can, for as long as we can, letting God prosper the little we can do according to HIS power! Right now we are able to tell you, we are glad we didn’t quit!

Believe it or not, our two Burmese men from a US prison faithfully continue doing BTY lessons. The first man, Nei (not his correct name), did our “Finding Direction In God’s Word lessons; then he translated them into Burmese (Karen). Now Dea (not correct name) is doing those translated lessons through our office.

In the meanwhile a missionary from Thailand helped to get “Bible Basics” translated into the same language by a national Burmese preacher, so Nei is doing the “Bible Basics” series using the Burmese preacher’s translation and turning it into answer keys. When he sends one back to us we simply acknowledge that it was completed, copy it and save the copy for the man in Thailand who can then verify that it is correct and use it for his own work in Thailand and Burma. We cannot correct Nei’s and Dea’s Burmese lessons, but we know that they are definitely learning God’s Word and are growing spiritually as they take it in. Nei is trying to figure out how he can teach the other Burmese inmates using the translated work.

Is this all perfectly fine tuned and exactly as would be best? No, it could use some critiquing, but here’s the thing, God’s Word is getting through to men and women who may never have heard it before and had little hope of getting it behind bars in a US prison. And who knows what God will do in Thailand and Burma out of this humble beginning.

So, unless you absolutely have to quit serving the Lord actively, please don’t! Do what you can, for as long as you can, letting God prosper the little you can do according to HIS power!

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