Author Archives: carlearley
Why Read Leviticus?
As we read the book of Leviticus, one may wonder, why do I need to read the book of Leviticus? As born again believers we have no need to keep the Law, Jesus is our one true, complete sacrifice. Let … Continue reading
For Our Learning
While preparing scriptures for our Bit of Home Chat, we settled on the following for a memory, or focus verse, and for verses to ponder. (Bits of Home Chat are one page letters to our students. They contain some of … Continue reading
Three Special Blessings
This past week, we had three special blessings here at the home front. First, a request came in from one of our Karen men to send a salvation lesson to his 19 year old son, which we did. Please pray … Continue reading
Dear ones, Life has been a challenge since entering the world of chemotherapy five months ago! We are worn to a frazzle, and unable to rise far above it. We desperately need help in the forward movement of this ministry! … Continue reading
How Long Can You Praise the Lord?
We apologize for taking so long to return to this blog. In the time that has passed, we have helped our church to remain true to the Word of God and to call a pastor who will do the same, … Continue reading
Do What You Can for as Long as You Can…
Are any of you who are actively serving the Lord tempted to quit because of sickness, financial hardships, or other trials have come your way? They have often come our way, and more so now that we are past our … Continue reading
Making Known the Availability of “Bible To You”
Greetings to all our blog followers. We apologize for the extended gap between our posts. We have been busy for the Lord! The National Sword of the Lord Conference occurred last week in Walkertown, NC. We had the honor of … Continue reading
August 2024 update
Greetings to all our blog followers. We apologize for the extended gap between our posts. We have been busy for the Lord! The National Sword of the Lord conference occurred last week in Walkertown, NC. We had the honor of … Continue reading
We Can See God Working!
Today we are announcing the rebirth of a man named Jonathan, who is in prison but not cast away by God. A few weeks ago, one faithful student who is behind bars, asked us to send a lesson to another … Continue reading
Do What You Can, Pray, and Trust God to Work
God is able to do great things. We all know that, but do we believe He will work when we can do little but pray? This report just might increase your faith and aid you in doing what you can, … Continue reading