Author Archives: carlearley

Once Again, There was Joy in the Presence of the Angels of God!

Are you familiar with Luke 15:10 “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”? Our home Bible To You outreach received a Finding Direction In God’s Word, … Continue reading

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Summer “Busyness”

Yes, we all have summer “busyness”, like 4th of July picnics, church picnics, vacation weeks, etc.  For those who are in nursing homes, shut-in situations and jails or prisons, there are no such things.  Do you minister the wonderful Words … Continue reading

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Bless the Lord, O my Soul

Our home church is small and filled with capable singers and teachers which leaves Mrs. Earley without a place of ministry within the church building. We love serving, teaching and being a blessing to others. After much entreaty to the … Continue reading

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Teaching Them

“Bible To You” helps you get the Bible into people and to get people into the Bible! Here at the Home office, we are finding that some our dear students cannot read cursive and have been asking others to read … Continue reading

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Encouraging Others as they Labor

A phone call came in one Monday morning from a man who contacted us to say that he was holding our (prayer) card in his hands and he just wanted to say, you are doing a good work and keep … Continue reading

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More Comments from Recontacts!

Thank God you contacted me as I love the studies.” Randy from Arkansas “… I’m so grateful that you decided to do a computer search and notice that one of your sheep was missing in action, and went out of … Continue reading

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Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God

Our flesh is not, by nature, apt to be a blessing to the Wonderful Creator God. Why, because sin came in and humans lost their sinless nature. Though the saved have been redeemed from eternal Hell, they can grieve the … Continue reading

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Holy God-Holy People

Years ago we recognized that the Church was sadly lacking in an understanding of God’s expectation for holiness. In an effort to teach others of the need to be holy as God is holy, we wrote New Life Series, Lesson … Continue reading

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You Can Do Something About It!

The very thought that abortions take place as a routine “medical” procedure, falsely so called, makes us sick! so why don’t we do something about it? Every thought of real, living babies being eliminated through the inhumane, heartless, wicked, not … Continue reading

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Find Your Missing Persons

Carl and I took time out of several weeks to search through the BTY data base here to see who has been missing. As a matter of fact, we found that we had corresponded with 248 people, who had, for … Continue reading

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