Author Archives: carlearley

Letter to 103 year old Jewish lady

Hello Horty, I have not forgotten you. We have been helping my daughter-in-laws, Debbie and Becky. Their dear dad has been suffering lately.  The Lord has taken him out of the body of humiliation and pain. He is now in … Continue reading

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Happenings in the BTY office

Last week we discovered that a church in Texas has added some of our lessons to their web site. An unexpected, but needed love-gift arrived from a servant Brother. Our RV that we use for BTY trips, was damaged in … Continue reading

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From our students

Each week we have lessons from students coming into our PO Box.  These folks, who are for the most part, shut away from society, are being reached and taught through our “Bible To You” outreach here, in Shelocta. This week … Continue reading

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Bits of home Chat, 9/2-9/2020

Carl and I had a pleasant stay in Bedford County; the land is full of hills and valleys where farms and orchards present a lovely picture! It is awesome to drive through that area and see those as well as … Continue reading

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September 2020 Prayer Letter

The link to our prayer letters is located at the bottom of each web page. Just click to open. For convenience, the link to the new letter is also located here

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We are rejoicing over recent spiritual victories through our correspondence work. One man has accepted Christ as his Saviour! Oh, the angels rejoiced, let us rejoice with them! Another man had been backslidden, but after doing lesson 1 of Finding … Continue reading

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Still ministering, how about you

Praise God for His unending grace and peace! Carl and I have not been well for a couple of weeks. It was a time of frustration in some ways. We are too old in body to make up for lost … Continue reading

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We are blessed!

This home has been blessed: Carl was able to prepare a large garden, all plants and seeds are in, and growing. This ministry has been blessed: God has supplied a web site builder to rebuild and modernize the Bible To … Continue reading

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Remember the value of learning the Word, and living by the Word:

Joshua 1: 8-9 “8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou … Continue reading

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Feature Icons

When a lesson is selected from the menus and appears on your computer screen, there are four small icons in the upper right corner that allow you to do something other than just view the pages. From left to right … Continue reading

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