Three Special Blessings

This past week, we had three special blessings here at the home front.  First, a request came in from one of our Karen men to send a salvation lesson to his 19 year old son, which we did.  Please pray for this 19 year old to open his heart to the Lord Jesus and His salvation.

The second blessing was that God provided the funds for our brother in Christ, Gerald Miller, to purchase the RV and truck we offered to him for travel as he represents the FBN Christian Radio Ministry out of Morehead City. God miraculously provided the last of the funds needed just as time was running out for a safe winter trip to pick it up here in PA, and take it back to the Carolina’s!

The third blessing was this: Carl and I have been praying for God to help us to share  “Bible To You” discipleship lessons with others, even though we are more homebound.  God sent an evangelist along with Brother Miller. We shared the lessons and their many uses while he visited here, and he carried a thumb drive of the lessons home with him, where he can then use them, and also share their availability with others.  Praise God!

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Dear ones, Life has been a challenge since entering the world of chemotherapy five months ago!  We are worn to a frazzle, and unable to rise far above it.  We desperately need help in the forward movement of this ministry!  Please pray for others to back us in the ministering of the Word through “Bible To You”.  I will not elaborate, but simply ask for your prayers of faith to raise up workers who will have the wisdom and the drive to do something more with the blessed work God started, through us, more than 25 years ago.

If God supplies the strength to return to this blog, we shall do so with joy!  In the meanwhile, we assure you that with what strength we have, we are still personally sending out lessons from our home to faithful students, writing a “Bits of Home Chat” every two weeks for them, being a witness in our personal lives, and being as faithful in church attendance as possible.

Whatever work God has given you is worth doing it with much prayer, sacrifice, and determination.  Through our weakness, we cry out to you, “Go forth, go forth, go forth in faith! Don’t faint, don’t turn around, don’t quit; GO FORTH!”

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How Long Can You Praise the Lord?

We apologize for taking so long to return to this blog. In the time that has passed, we have helped our church to remain true to the Word of God and to call a pastor who will do the same, with love for his sheep and a burden for lost souls and straying saints. If you wish to know more about our new pastor, or more about our ministry, please feel free to contact us.
We are seeing our country go through many devastating, natural disasters. Our personal lives are often challenged with various physical, and sometimes financial uncertainties. While it is true that hard times come and go, does that mean that we are without hope?; absolutely not! As I worked through writing “Bits of Home Chat” for our mail students today, I finished with a focus/memory verse. God led me to this verse that reveals the condition of a spiritually minded person whether he is struggling with difficult life circumstances or simply working through a fairly normal time.

Psalm 146:2 says “While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.” This man says he will sing praises to His God, who is our God as well, as long as he has any being! He has a close walk with God, and a full dependance on God, that naturally brings forth an exclamation of praise in song from his inner being.

Have you been able to praise the name of the Lord and to sing praises unto your God? If not, then you need to walk closer to your God, and have a full dependance on God, even to saying “Not my will, but thine be done”. How long can you praise the name of the Lord and to sing praises unto your God?; as long as you have any being! That is amazing and wonderful!

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Do What You Can for as Long as You Can…

Are any of you who are actively serving the Lord tempted to quit because of sickness, financial hardships, or other trials have come your way? They have often come our way, and more so now that we are past our three score and ten! The work we all want to do for the Lord is hindered. Satan whispers, “Why don’t you just quit and let those who are stronger and better off take over? After all, you have worked long and hard. You shouldn’t have to do this!”

We have a better idea, why not do what we can, for as long as we can, letting God prosper the little we can do according to HIS power! Right now we are able to tell you, we are glad we didn’t quit!

Believe it or not, our two Burmese men from a US prison faithfully continue doing BTY lessons. The first man, Nei (not his correct name), did our “Finding Direction In God’s Word lessons; then he translated them into Burmese (Karen). Now Dea (not correct name) is doing those translated lessons through our office.

In the meanwhile a missionary from Thailand helped to get “Bible Basics” translated into the same language by a national Burmese preacher, so Nei is doing the “Bible Basics” series using the Burmese preacher’s translation and turning it into answer keys. When he sends one back to us we simply acknowledge that it was completed, copy it and save the copy for the man in Thailand who can then verify that it is correct and use it for his own work in Thailand and Burma. We cannot correct Nei’s and Dea’s Burmese lessons, but we know that they are definitely learning God’s Word and are growing spiritually as they take it in. Nei is trying to figure out how he can teach the other Burmese inmates using the translated work.

Is this all perfectly fine tuned and exactly as would be best? No, it could use some critiquing, but here’s the thing, God’s Word is getting through to men and women who may never have heard it before and had little hope of getting it behind bars in a US prison. And who knows what God will do in Thailand and Burma out of this humble beginning.

So, unless you absolutely have to quit serving the Lord actively, please don’t! Do what you can, for as long as you can, letting God prosper the little you can do according to HIS power!

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Making Known the Availability of “Bible To You”

Greetings to all our blog followers. We apologize for the extended gap between our posts. We have been busy for the Lord! The National Sword of the Lord Conference occurred last week in Walkertown, NC. We had the honor of setting up a display at the event, sharing the lessons with pastors, missionaries, ministry workers, and homeschooling parents. It was a delightful experience!

Our Baptist heritage is that of true biblical teachings, using, not a Bible version, but the Bible, King James. We traveled to the Sword conference to provide free thumb drives of the “Bible To You” lessons or direct these people to for lessons. Most of the folks there had never heard of “Bible To You”.

Making known the availability of these King James soul-winning and discipleship lessons, to all who need them, is not possible without assistance from individuals like yourself. Could you please dedicate a bit of time to introduce “Bible To You” to others who may benefit from the use of these lessons? Inform them that we can supply the lessons on a thumb drive, or they have the option to visit to download lessons for adults and children in English, or for adults in Spanish.

God will bless you as you go to serve Him in this way. Don’t stop there; let us know through an email, text or phone call that you are helping in this way. You may also let us know how you are personally using “Bible To You”, or how the lessons are a blessing to you! God bless you richly as you help in the advancement of this biblical teaching, our multi-purpose tool for the Lord, “Bible To You”!

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August 2024 update

Greetings to all our blog followers. We apologize for the extended gap between our posts. We have been busy for the Lord! The National Sword of the Lord conference occurred last week in Walkertown, NC. We had the honor of setting up a display at the event, sharing the lessons with pastors, missionaries, ministry workers, and homeschooling parents. It was a delightful experience!

Our Baptist heritage is that of true biblical teachings, using, not a Bible version, but the Bible, King James. We traveled to the Sword conference to provide free thumb drives of the “Bible To You” lessons or direct these people to for lessons. Most of the folks there had never heard of “Bible To You”.

Making known the availability of these King James soul-winning and discipleship lessons, to all who need them, is not possible without assistance from individuals like you. Could you please dedicate a bit of time to introduce “Bible To You” to others who may benefit from the use of these lessons? Inform them that we can supply the lessons on a thumb drive, or they have the option to visit to download lessons for adults and children in English, or for adults in Spanish.

God will bless you as you go to serve Him in this way. Don’t stop there; let us know through an email, text or phone call that you are helping in this way. You may also let us know how you are personally using “Bible To You”, or how the lessons are a blessing to you! God bless you richly as you help in the advancement of this biblical teaching, our multi-purpose tool for the Lord, “Bible To You”!

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We Can See God Working!

Today we are announcing the rebirth of a man named Jonathan, who is in prison but not cast away by God.  A few weeks ago, one faithful student who is behind bars, asked us to send a lesson to another man in the prison, which we did.  The lesson came back with an affirmation that the new student had accepted Jesus’ salvation for himself the night before.  Whether our faithful student lead him to the Lord, or whether he accepted the Lord as he began working through the lesson was not clear, but we can see God working, and we rejoice!

Jonathan is a new babe in Christ who needs our lessons to grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord.  Please pray for  Jonathan.

A few weeks ago we received an email from a couple in Florida who asked for lessons by mail, which we sent ASAP.  They have already returned lesson one along with a request for us to send lessons to a person in Michigan. Once again, we can see God working!

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Do What You Can, Pray, and Trust God to Work

God is able to do great things.  We all know that, but do we believe He will work when we can do little but pray?  This report just might increase your faith and aid you in doing what you can, praying, and trusting God to work in spite of your inability.

With aging bodies and a greatly increased work load at our church, we continue faithful in service through “Bible To You” in a much smaller capacity than we would like; and so we pray for God’s working. This week, God used the church situation to bring Bob Larson, the director of a work called “Reseeding America”, from a mission board called BIMI, to preach and minister to us at Faith Baptist.

While Brother Larson was here to minister to us, God used the time to introduce him to “Bible To You”.  Brother Larson now has knowledge of, and access to  King James discipleship lessons. You may think, “So what’s the big deal?”!  The big deal is that numerous missionaries have asked him, “Do you know of a good discipleship program?

Until now, Brother Larson had to tell those who asked that he did not know. From now on, he will be able to direct these serving brothers and sisters to “Bible to You”.  Without cost to them, they will now have a solid King James discipleship program available online or on a thumb drive!

Though we cannot travel to churches and missions conferences like we used to, and that grieves us, God has given a mission board connection.  BIMI is sending forth 800 missionary families and working to sustain churches in America, or plant new ones!

Now, all who are in contact with BIMI’s “Reseeding America” program can be referred to “Bible To You” lessons for use in their ministry. In answer to our praying, God has worked.  Again, this report just might increase your faith and aid you in doing what you can, praying, and trusting God to work in spite of your inability. We hope it does!

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This Great Work

Many are lost and dying, far from the peaceful shore;                                                                      Some have just not listened, but many have never heard before!                                                  Oh, let us pray and labour! Let us tell of Father, Spirit , and Son;                                                Ever true to our blessed redeemer, let us labour till this great work is done!

A poem I had written in May of 2000. It is still my heart’s cry!

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Psalm 96 and our Baptist Ways

Psalm 96 has several verses containing our Baptist ways.  Verse 2 tells us to show forth his salvation from day to day.  We believe in witnessing to the lost around us. Our Baptists believe in separation from the world’s ways as well as from doctrines falsely derived by men. (Witnessing and separation)

Verse 3 says to declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all people. Not only do we witness daily, but we also send forth missionaries to His glory!

Why do we do this? Verses 4&5 declare that the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: He is to be feared above all gods, and the Lord made the heavens.  He is Creator God!

Our God is so great that honour and majesty are before Him!  Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary!  As Baptists we join together in worship, prayer and fellowship regularly and faithfully.

Verses 8-10 Speak of God’s dues. 1. He is due glory to His name (Our lives are to be lived so that He is glorified) 2. He is due an offering when we come into His courts  3.  He is due our worship (because He is LORD)  3.  He is due our declaring to the heathen that He Reigns and that the world shall not be moved.  4. God’s due is that we tell the heathen that He will judge people, all people, righteously.

That’s an amazing Psalm describing many of our Baptist ways.

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