He is Able

God has allowed Carl and me to experience a time of financial depletion in both the ministry and the home. We were faced with the need to adjust our lives in many ways to accommodate the new set of circumstances, and have done our best to do so. However, there is only so much we humans can do.

We have continued sending out our student lessons, reaching to new contacts and providing Bibles when needed. This week I returned to some very special work that has been on a back burner, reaching out to missionaries to make them aware of the lessons and offering to send them CDs of the lessons.

Two nights ago I was up working late on that project. All of a sudden I realized that there was no money in BTY ,or in our personal account, to use to send CDs. I either had to give up and quit, or trust God and finish for the night. I prayed and finished the desired work segment, then went to bed and slept well.

The next morning Carl went for the BTY mail at the post office. He began opening letters for the week. He called to me to listen, then said that a ministry in Ohio had used money from a benevolent fund to send $300 to aid the work here! He is able!


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