Redeeming the Time

In recent weeks we have stood by our family as they awaited the death of someone near and dear. It has been very difficult for them and for their loved one, but God has worked in and through this time. Our dear sister in Christ is now in Glory, while the rest of us remain here, redeeming the Time and awaiting the Lord’s coming for the saints. (Ephesians 5:16)
Now we must return to giving more time and attention to this ministry work. After praying much for direction, God has led us to work with a fellow servant of the Lord in hopes of getting the lessons into use in Granada, an Island that is one hundred miles north of Venezuela.

The schools there have allowed our brother in Christ, Tom, to speak to their student bodies and to give out KJV Bibles to all teachers and students. Our Brother will, after recovering somewhat from knee surgery, being done today, begin to review the lessons and consider how they might be used there in Granada. Please pray for the recovery of Brother Tom and for the directing and success of this work of getting children and adults in Granada won to Christ, and then discipled through the use of Bible To You lessons.

We told Brother Tom that we are willing to provide free copies of lessons if that is needed. We also offered to send thumb drives or CD’s filled with children’s or adult work.

The two of us have a desire to see the lessons used on the Figgie Islands, as well as Granada, but the man we had in mind as our correspondent for that, is not able to begin work there. Pray for the door to open on those Islands.

Pray for the working out of details and the Lord’s help as we get busy redeeming the time. Let us all redeem the time, as we see the day approaching, when Jesus will take us out of this world and settle us in Glory, along with our dear sister in Christ. (I Thessalonians 4: 13-18)



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