Encouraging Others as they Labor

A phone call came in one Monday morning from a man who contacted us to say that he was holding our (prayer) card in his hands and he just wanted to say, you are doing a good work and keep going. That phone call really encouraged us!

Why not be an encourager to a missionary you know of, or your pastor, or deacon, or perhaps a Christian home-school mom. A text, a letter, a card or even a small gift can lift the fellow Christian worker up and help him or her to go on a bit easier.

By the way, Christian home-school moms are seldom noticed as sacrificial servants, but they are!  If you know of one or more, give them some special encouragement today!

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More Comments from Recontacts!

Thank God you contacted me as I love the studies.” Randy from Arkansas

“… I’m so grateful that you decided to do a computer search and notice that one of your sheep was missing in action, and went out of your way to contact that lost sheep.” Manuel from CA

“Thank you for recontacting me….Here’s a list of four people …who would like to study the Great Word of God…help guide them as you do me.” Kenneth from Illinois

“What an exquisite delight it was to hear from BTY!…Thank you so much for reaching out to me with the truth!” Michael from Pennsylvania

Thank you so much for getting back with me. I prayed for us to get back in touch so I could continue the word of God. I cried when I got your mail.” Michelle from W. Virginia

“You guys at “BTY” have been so wonderful and helpful to me and have helped me to grow into the man that I am today so thank you with all my heart. Keep doing what you are doing…” Michael from Texas

“…I truly am thankful for your obedience and service to the Lord… you give me much hope in my walk with Christ as well as my marriage.” Tiffany from W. Virginia

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Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God

Our flesh is not, by nature, apt to be a blessing to the Wonderful Creator God. Why, because sin came in and humans lost their sinless nature. Though the saved have been redeemed from eternal Hell, they can grieve the Holy Spirit of God. The sin of grieving the Holy Spirit is strictly warned against! New Christians need to be instructed in this area. Older Christians ought to be reminded.

Use New Life Series lesson 6; it’s a real wake-up call! Even when we correct an in-coming New Life Series lesson 6, we are newly reminded of our own need to remember and heed God’s Word to grieve not the Holy Spirit of God!

The following are headings from the New Life Series lesson 6

God’s Word makes it clear that some of our actions after salvation can cause Him grief.  He warns us not to walk as other Gentiles (The term Gentile speaks generally of the unsaved). 

Sinning in your heart and mind grieves the Spirit.

Sinning with your body grieves the Spirit.       

The following things will prevent you from grieving the Spirit:

Living in the Spirit of God will have very definite effects such as those found in the following scriptures:

Why not check the lesson out now. You may find yourself being reminded of your own need to remember and heed God’s Word to grieve not the Holy Spirit of God!




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Holy God-Holy People

Years ago we recognized that the Church was sadly lacking in an understanding of God’s expectation for holiness. In an effort to teach others of the need to be holy as God is holy, we wrote New Life Series, Lesson 2, Holy God-Holy People. Here are some highlights from the lesson’s answer key:

  Intro:  Many believe they may do anything they wish…. They do not understand that we were made by a holy God who cannot have anything to do with unholiness or unrighteousness.  He calls us to holy living…  The word holy could be understood as being sacred.  ….separated from all that is sinful, impure, or morally imperfect.  

God is holy.                                                                                                                            This verse asks a question.  Exodus 15:11.  “Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods?  Who is like thee, GLORIOUS in HOLINESS,  fearful in praises, doing wonders?”                                                                                                                                                                       In Psalm 99:9 we are told, “Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his holy hill;  for   THE   LORD   OUR  GOD  IS   HOLY.”  …We lift him up as the one who is all holy.  We worship a holy God.

God’s name is holy                                                                                                     . Isaiah 57:15 Says “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity,    WHOSE   NAME   is  HOLY  ;  I dwell in the high and HOLY   PLACE     …”

God is called holy and he is praised for being holy.      …In Revelation 6:10 the souls of them that were killed for the Word of God and their testimony cried out with a loud voice “…How long, O Lord,  HOLY  and  TRUE…”

 God dwells in holiness and all that he does is holy.      Read Exodus 3:1-6.  Even the GROUND  was holy because God was there.                        Psalm 145:17 says, “The Lord is RIGHTEOUS  in  ALL   his  WAYS   , and   HOLY   in  ALL   his   WORKS.”

Holy living for the Christian is not…to keep our salvation.  It is the way to please God and… fellowship.                                                                                                                             God wants His people to be holy. Finish the following  verses  to see just how important our holiness is to God.  Leviticus 20:7 Sanctify yourselves…   BE  YE  HOLY:    FOR    I     AM    THE     LORD    YOUR     GOD. (The word  sanctify means set apart to holiness.)      … I Thessalonians  4:7 says,  “For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but  UNTO      HOLINESS .” … I Peter 1: 15&16 …“But as He which hath called you is Holy,  SO    BE    YE    HOLY   in all manner of conversation (in all you do, your behavior); …

God chose the saved to be holy before Him.                           Ephesians 1:4 … chosen that we should be  HOLY   and WITHOUT     BLAME   before Him in love…                                                                                                                                                Read Colossians 1:21 & 22…  Ephesians 2:21 & 22  compare Christians to a      HOLY    TEMPLE    in the Lord.



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You Can Do Something About It!

The very thought that abortions take place as a routine “medical” procedure, falsely so called, makes us sick! so why don’t we do something about it? Every thought of real, living babies being eliminated through the inhumane, heartless, wicked, not to mention, dangerous procedure called abortion, should cause Christians to scream out against it!  We should, but we don’t; most of us feel that we just can’t do anything about it! 

Here is something you can do about it; you can use the “Bible To You” lessons on the subject of abortion! Use them to teach, to educate, to bring people under conviction, and to stand in the gap for righteousness’ sake!  

One girl in a neighborhood can be reached and guided along. One Sunday School class can be equipped with a clear understanding of the need to fight against this deadly activity, that functions freely in nearly every town and city of America. A few ladies who are willing to meet together once a week, can undertake the study and also join in prayer to intercede on behalf of helpless unborn babies, as well as girls and women who need to refuse to have an abortion.   

The lessons are found in the “Lessons for Adults” section on this web site.  they are a part of the “Decisions” lessons. Of course, they are free to be copied and used to the glory of God! Pray for ways to use the abortion lessons. It is one way you can do something about it!

Please feel free to contact our ministry office if the lessons are being a help to you. Please pass the” Bible To You” ministry on to others also!


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Find Your Missing Persons

Carl and I took time out of several weeks to search through the BTY data base here to see who has been missing. As a matter of fact, we found that we had corresponded with 248 people, who had, for some reason, stopped sending lessons back. In years past, we kept a tighter reign on this, but with our lack of ability physically, lack of finances, and lack of willing helpers, we were unable to do so for some time, thus it backed up.

Of those 248, one was an elderly woman whom we just wrote to. the 247 remaining, had to be searched in the “inmate searches”, state by state or in the Bureau of Prisons, which is federal. 93 were no longer accessible. Some were in different facilities, so a search was made of each of those facilities for their inmate mail address.

Together we loaded envelopes for each of the 154 with their last lesson sent out, a letter inviting them back, a Bits of Home Chat, two tracts, and 2 devotional pages. Because of the increase in support since our mission’s run last Fall, we were able to pay for the extra postage, paper, ink and envelopes without a problem!

If you are doing a mail-out ministry using these lessons, it is wise to check periodically to see who has fallen away, and to recontact that person in a similar way. Of course, not all will write back, but all will have more of the Word of God which does not return to Him void!

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Freed Indeed!

These thoughts were sent to us by a “BTY” student who has been growing in the Lord.

I am Freed> Of the shackles that bound me> Of the servanthood to the devil> From the bounds of Hell> From temptation’s power,> From false doctrines of men> From darkness forevermore> From the desires of the flesh> From the fears of death> From lies, deceit and wickedness!

To obey the Lord my God> To follow the indwelling Spirit> To live my life in truth and peace> To walk with my Lord> To honor and praise Him> To worship Him forevermore> To Fellowship with Him in prayer> To be called a child of God!


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Impacting Needy Souls

We will never fully know, this side of Glory, how our ministering of God’s Word to others will be used. God gives us a good idea that what we do with BIBLE TO YOU does have an impact on a lot of needy souls. For instance, this week we were sent these notes:

One man said “Thank you for these studies! I really appreciate them!  You have a great job! (Because you are) Working for God!

This note is from a lady whom we lost track of and searched for how we could reconnect. Mr. and Mrs. Earley, Thank you so much for getting back to me. I prayed for us to get back in touch so I could continue the (study of the) Word of God….I cried when I got your mail. Thank you, guys for sharing God’s Word.


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God Surprised Us!

Our old copier had given up the ghost recently, after many breakdowns and repairs. We were told by the repairman that a used one like it would cost around $1,500. That was a shock, since we never paid more than $600 for the other ones. In fact, our first copier was a gift from a church we had helped to get a new prison ministry started.

To make matters worse, the repairman told us there wasn’t one available. He said he would look for one. We prayed and waited, but the need was great!

After a week or so we received a call from our faithful repairman. Our faithful LORD had led him to a whole seller who had several!  He started checking over the available used copiers.  Meanwhile, the LORD was sending in extra funds that we could use for the copier.

We now have a Minolta Bizhub that does double sided prints in one scan. It has a memory where the documents can be stored, so there is no need to scan the document in the future! The cost was $1,200 instead of $1,500 and the machine has only been used what would normally be 3 months of work, though it is 3 years old! God surprised us for sure!

Now if I could get Carl away from his new toy!!!

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Being Faithful

Carl and I have learned that God blesses faithfulness. There have been times in our ministry life when we were able to labor in love 6 days a week! However, these days we struggle to get three workdays in, because of weakened bodies. The reason for this entry is to show you what faithfulness can do.

Years ago, Matt from Heritage Baptist in Jeannette, PA, learned of the Bible To You lessons. After he and his pastor proofed all the lessons, they plugged them into their church ministries. which included prison outreach. Matt was going into local prisons to preach the Word. He started offering the Bible To You lessons to the men who came to services.

Each day, after work, he went to his BTY work area at home, opened the day’s lesson mail, corrected the lessons, and prepared the new lesson with whatever notes he needed to add, then placed them back in the mail. Here is a record of what this one man did with Bible To You lessons as given from his phone to ours: First lesson sent out December 20th, 2002. Since then, 81,163 lessons were sent out. 1276 have claimed to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour from doing the lessons. Lessons were sent to all 50 states plus Mexico, Canada, and Africa and to 1,763 different cities. Lessons went into 584 different prisons. A total of 19,595different people have received the first lesson with 6,968 people responding to them. His church did aid him in mailing costs, but he has just been steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord!

Get on board, if you have not already begun to use Bible To You! Use it, support it, pray for it!


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