One country against God

America, the beautiful, the Land of the free and the brave! One nation under God. A nation of the people, by the people, and for the people. That is the Land that we loved and thanked God for! We now look upon this nation’s rapid run, away from God, from His Word, and from his ways with great sorrow. We are largely, one country against God!

The only thing that can turn this nation back to God is Christlike Christians who fervently pray, preach, teach and live the Word of God.  We must also faithfully and patiently endure the chastening which is coming into our midst.

We choose to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord! How about you? Can you use Bible To You lessons in any way?

Look, think and pray. God will show you the way!

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Every Christian needs other Christians

Two students sent notes of thanks that remind us of their need, not only for the Word which we send, but also for the personal touch we try to give everyone. Perhaps you would enjoy hearing their notes.  JB wrote:” I want to thank you for always sharing a part of yourself with each Bible study you send me. All I have is Christ. All of my family has died since my incarceration in 2012….”. JS wrote: “Thank you for everything and I thank God for bringing you into my life. Please keep praying for me to get home to my children…”.

Pray for them, and please pray for us as we carry their burdens to the Lord and try to show them right paths of victory in Jesus, lives no longer lived to the flesh!

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Faithful Saints

A few weeks ago a call came in while we were away. To our surprise, it was a brother in Christ, from New Jersey. He used to have an outreach to children in which he used Bible To You lessons. In recent years he started an outreach to the incarcerated. His CD of lessons had gone bad, and he was requesting a new one. This dear man and his wife are still serving faithfully! We were thrilled to hear it! We were also thrilled to share the progress here, especially this web site! We did send him a CD!

This week, we received a love gift and two books of stamps from an elderly lady. she and her friend from church pray for us faithfully. It touched our hearts to be upheld by those who serve in their years of old age. How about you, are you serving faithfully? If not, why not?

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Matthew 25:31-45…BTY is a work of true sheep!

One of our present students wrote that he was alone, in prison, no longer cared for by family. He said that since we have been corresponding with him, he is much happier; he says he is blessed by our work.

A former prisoner continues to do lessons and writes to us regularly. After going home he experienced a severe trial with a family member he shared the home with. We counselled him, and prayed for him for a while, then suggested he endeavor to get the other person into the lessons. He was successful!  They began to dwell in peace and the joy of the Lord! He just wrote to tell us that the other one, whom we enjoyed working with, has gone home to be with the Lord (they were both older folks). How would this situation have been if it were not for God’s Word getting to those people?

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A Blessing This Week

We had a blessing this week. Preacher Dwayne Clark’s oldest three daughters were here to help with office work.  Their family is amazing! They work with the deaf camp every summer, here in PA. Their dad is a fantastic preacher! Their mom is an organizer, and able to turn used stuff into cash for Bible college for the kids. They all work together like a band of ants! Because of that, they have been able to help many pastors and churches, widows, shut-ins and, of course, us! We accomplished a good deal of office work with them here. They are respectful, and careful to follow Mr. Earley and my directions. What a wonderful gift their help  was to us!


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Fourteen Years of Reaching and Teaching

While copying old camcorder tapes to CDs this week, we found one from 14 years ago that was recorded in a church in Michigan. It was a tape of church members who had been using the Bible To You lessons in local prisons. Their testimonies were just like the ones we still hear today. That is because the lessons are based on and packed with the Word of God.

One person spoke of an inmate who had come to know the Lord, had led his wife to the Lord, and was planning on working with his kids when he got home. Some of the inmates were scripturally baptized. The students were so thankful for the Bible teaching they were receiving.

This week we heard back from the one we helped with understanding how Catholicism actually is anti-biblical. She said this,”…thank you for the info on Catholicism. I have never been exposed to Christianity – that may be a reason I never believed until recently. What you and your husband are doing for prisoners is amazing… I just want to thank you for your time and energy.

OK dear ones out there,  what are you doing for the spread of the gospel. The Word is life giving but if we do not get it out, the people will perish.

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God Provides for His Work

At this time in our lives, we struggle physically just to manage our home, be faithful to church and endeavor to  use this wonderful ministry, Bible To You in an active and productive way, for our wonderful Lord! We can no longer work to supply for the ministry, but the Lord has been faithful to supply.

A few months ago the support had dropped away, but the Lord has supplied once and again! A faithful widow supplies stamps regularly. A few weeks ago, her elderly friend had a death in the family due to Covid . We received a call from her asking, “Do you send out Bibles?” I said that we send an offer for a  Bible on lesson 4. If the student needs a KJV Bible, we send them one. Soon after that, we received a love gift in the name of the deceased. It was enough to buy a whole case of Bibles!

If you have hesitated to launch a ministry using the lessons, please know that God will supply for his Word to go forth!


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The Will to Reach and Teach

Our hearts and hands have been given over to reaching and teaching. Part of that is reaching out to children. Our example, of course, is Jesus! Jesus went to people in need of salvation, but they also needed relief from illness, grief, and  shame, to name a few things.

I am writing this to say that our students need the same care. We are not able to give them back lost years, but we can give them the truths from God’s Word that heal, comfort, strengthen, and give hope!

One of our faithful lady students, has just been told that she has cancer; some of our men are critically ill. In a town 20 miles away, we have several elderly folks who are mostly home-bound.

A man in jail, in New York, asked our help in teaching his children. We sent children’s lessons and tracts, etc. We have also asked a pastor in their area to go to those children. In the mean time, he told us his 6 year old asked him, “Is God a boy or a girl?” We smiled at the little girl’s  question, but we also rejoiced, because that child is being reached and taught through Bible To You!

Now what are your heart and your hands given over to? Could you use “Bible To You” lessons to reach and teach? Perhaps you need to learn; why not go through the lessons one at a time on your own. You never know but what God may use you, to then, reach and teach someone else! The Earleys

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Notes to another ministry using BTY lessons

We have the honor of aiding a ministry which reaches North Eastern United States prisons. The administrator shared these notes about Bible To You lessons his office sent out.

“Brother R., thank you for sending me the Bible studies and praying for me. All the information I learn will assist me in reaching the goal God has purposed for my life.”

“…thank you for taking time to send, read and grade our tests. It truly does mean a lot. It is nice knowing that there is someone cares even though they know the tests come from a person in jail whom they do not know. It shows me the love of God just like the lessons talk about.

“… Myself and a few others hold Bible studies from 7:00 t0 8:00 PM every Monday through Friday in our housing unit. ( It is)  Because there are no religious services due to …Covid… I am interested in your bible Study course. I heard about your lessons from another Christian brother in our unit. Would you please forward the courses to us at….”

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Lessons for ladies are here!

They are here!  Four ladies lessons and the answer sheets are now available!  Look  under the Adult/ For Women Only/ tab on the website. Click the “Adult Lessons” tab, then click on the “For Women Only link”, and there they are!

Please let us know if you find something that needs adjusted. For instance if we accidentally typed in chapter 1 where it should have been chapter 2.

Thanks and God bless each and every one you!  From the Earleys 

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