Assurance of answered prayer

Mr. Earley and I pray daily for the folks we minister to with the lessons. Here are two assurances of answers to those prayers.

From Randy: I want to say that bible To You has really helped me in my walk with the Lord. I appreciate everything you all do for me. I love the tracts and other stuff you send to me …I just want to say your service has made an impact on my life very much, and I am thankful for you…God bless you (We supply them witnessing tools, personal friendship, and devotional pages, and a KJV Bible if needed).

From Michael: In March of 2019 I was arrested. A 4-10 year sentence was given to me for my crimes…I was so angry and humiliated at myself.  …my heart was shattered…knowing I would be away from my family for the next 4-10 years. …I started getting used to my surroundings obtaining a job, attending chapel, and utilizing some classes…Then Covid hit. Everything was taken away from me. …I got a letter from  Bible To You stating someone had signed me up. …I was so happy! …Completing your lessons not only keeps me finding direction in God’s Word, they help me memorize God’s Word. By filling in the blanks to your lessons God’s Word sticks in my mind as I write the verses down. …it is such a titanic joy getting your lessons in the mail-just knowing someone cares enough to send me mail.

There is more , but we felt that this was something you could rejoice in or be encouraged by! The Earleys and Bible To You

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He is Able

God has allowed Carl and me to experience a time of financial depletion in both the ministry and the home. We were faced with the need to adjust our lives in many ways to accommodate the new set of circumstances, and have done our best to do so. However, there is only so much we humans can do.

We have continued sending out our student lessons, reaching to new contacts and providing Bibles when needed. This week I returned to some very special work that has been on a back burner, reaching out to missionaries to make them aware of the lessons and offering to send them CDs of the lessons.

Two nights ago I was up working late on that project. All of a sudden I realized that there was no money in BTY ,or in our personal account, to use to send CDs. I either had to give up and quit, or trust God and finish for the night. I prayed and finished the desired work segment, then went to bed and slept well.

The next morning Carl went for the BTY mail at the post office. He began opening letters for the week. He called to me to listen, then said that a ministry in Ohio had used money from a benevolent fund to send $300 to aid the work here! He is able!


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Can we help?

Carl and I take new sign-ups from others. We started more than 20 years ago by accepting sign-ups from an evangelist who was preaching in several prisons each week. He was sending 40 or more new sign-ups a week! That was a amazing! His church eventually gave him free reign to start a full-time ministry and appoint workers from his home church, in Michigan. We continued with the students we were already working with.

One time we realized that our student influx was decreasing so we contacted The Fellowship tract League in Ohio and offered to do follow-up work for those they had no local church to recommend. They sent us a shoebox full of tracts with names and addresses. There were 400 of them; we did them all!

Where did the money come from? All we can tell you is that it was cared for each week, by our Lord. We have never been rich in earthly things, just in heavenly ones! 

Send us sign-ups if you have some that you cannot care for. We will do our best to reach and teach them too!

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Are you doing what you could do?

As Carl and I  finished our weekly mail returns of Bible To You lessons and prepared the “Bits of Home Chat”, my thoughts turned from our students, to those of you who could have your own students. These lessons are available for copying.

Could some of you be reaching and teaching a friend, neighbor or relative? How about those of you who could have a weekly Children’s time? Are some of you considering a jail or prison ministry? Hey, you have lessons at your fingertips, free for the printing.  

Time is short, the harvest is passing soon! Trust the Lord for your needs and , by all means, do what YOU can!

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Letter to 103 year old Jewish lady

Hello Horty,

I have not forgotten you. We have been helping my daughter-in-laws, Debbie and Becky. Their dear dad has been suffering lately.  The Lord has taken him out of the body of humiliation and pain. He is now in Glory! Do you wonder why I can say that? I say that because I have come to know the King of Glory!

Let me back up about 60 years. When I was a little girl about 8 to 10 years old, I had no real knowledge of God. My family did not feed upon His Word. Then one day I was taken to a place Continue reading

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Happenings in the BTY office

Last week we discovered that a church in Texas has added some of our lessons to their web site. An unexpected, but needed love-gift arrived from a servant Brother. Our RV that we use for BTY trips, was damaged in two places. Our insurance is covering it in full!

This week we had 35 lessons out, one Bible sent, and  5 certificates awarded. We are also ready to send CD’s of our lessons to the Philippines to a missionary family there.

At home, God blessed us through Preacher, Dwayne Clark’s family who came in to do heavy cleaning that we can no longer accomplish, due to our aging bodies. We can not  pay for help, but these folks just did it as unto the Lord. They are such a hard working, Christ loving, servant family for whom we thank God over and over!

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From our students

Each week we have lessons from students coming into our PO Box.  These folks, who are for the most part, shut away from society, are being reached and taught through our “Bible To You” outreach here, in Shelocta.

This week we received these notable comments and we thought you should share in our rejoicing: Lesson one on salvation concludes with these questions, “Have you asked for God’s salvation through Jesus Christ,  and When?”  Masi from CA answered, “Yes” to the first, and “Today” to the second!….. “…don’t stop what you do…Blessing the lives of so many, you are very much appreciated (and loved). Dale from IN. “I really want to thank you so very much for building us up in the Lord…I enjoy and look forward to these studies. Ray from CA

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Bits of home Chat, 9/2-9/2020

Carl and I had a pleasant stay in Bedford County; the land is full of hills and valleys where farms and orchards present a lovely picture! It is awesome to drive through that area and see those as well as woodlands, one of which was Shawnee Valley State Park. Many of the other campers asked about our ministry when they saw our logo on the truck window. It opened doors to share God’s wonderful word! There were also a lot of children there before school started, so I (Kay) took the opportunity to share tracts I have, that are for kids. The tracts are really a blessing, as they come in different age levels, and have good pictures on them. I always figure that if we get it to the child, and the child gets saved, no one can ever take their salvation from them! Once the tract goes to a child, there is also a likelihood of another child or adult noticing it. I believe that a lot of folks will read them just out of curiosity.

By the way, we send some of those tracts to the children we write to with our kids’ lessons, so if any of you asked us to mail lessons to a child, we sent lesson “1” on salvation and one or two children’s tracts. Most of the time, parents or other care givers do not get the lesson back for us to correct and send #2, but at least the gospel went into the home, and it was a very easily understood message…. Till next time, God bless you, REAL GOOD!

The Earleys

Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

Verses to Ponder:  Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17

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September 2020 Prayer Letter

The link to our prayer letters is located at the bottom of each web page. Just click to open. For convenience, the link to the new letter is also located here

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We are rejoicing over recent spiritual victories through our correspondence work. One man has accepted Christ as his Saviour! Oh, the angels rejoiced, let us rejoice with them! Another man had been backslidden, but after doing lesson 1 of Finding Direction in God’s Word, he said he wanted to get right with God, and go on to live for him. At the same time, one of our men, who has been a “BTY” student for several years, has been set free from prison, after many years there. He promised to continue with his lessons when he got home. God is glorified, this man has done as he promised!

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