Category Archives: Uncategorized
Still ministering, how about you
Praise God for His unending grace and peace! Carl and I have not been well for a couple of weeks. It was a time of frustration in some ways. We are too old in body to make up for lost … Continue reading
We are blessed!
This home has been blessed: Carl was able to prepare a large garden, all plants and seeds are in, and growing. This ministry has been blessed: God has supplied a web site builder to rebuild and modernize the Bible To … Continue reading
Remember the value of learning the Word, and living by the Word:
Joshua 1: 8-9 “8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou … Continue reading
Feature Icons
When a lesson is selected from the menus and appears on your computer screen, there are four small icons in the upper right corner that allow you to do something other than just view the pages. From left to right … Continue reading
Moving to a new website platform
As you can see, we are in the process of migrating the website to a new platform using ‘WordPress” to create and manage the user interface. Our goal is to have the site completely functioning by the end of … Continue reading
The entire 119th Psalm is dedicated to describing and prescribing the inexhaustible benefits of reading, studying and embracing God’s word. One hundred and seventy six verses detail the incredible power the word of God can have on the righteous man … Continue reading