Fourteen Years of Reaching and Teaching

While copying old camcorder tapes to CDs this week, we found one from 14 years ago that was recorded in a church in Michigan. It was a tape of church members who had been using the Bible To You lessons in local prisons. Their testimonies were just like the ones we still hear today. That is because the lessons are based on and packed with the Word of God.

One person spoke of an inmate who had come to know the Lord, had led his wife to the Lord, and was planning on working with his kids when he got home. Some of the inmates were scripturally baptized. The students were so thankful for the Bible teaching they were receiving.

This week we heard back from the one we helped with understanding how Catholicism actually is anti-biblical. She said this,”…thank you for the info on Catholicism. I have never been exposed to Christianity – that may be a reason I never believed until recently. What you and your husband are doing for prisoners is amazing… I just want to thank you for your time and energy.

OK dear ones out there,  what are you doing for the spread of the gospel. The Word is life giving but if we do not get it out, the people will perish.

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