The Gift of God’s Word

Faith Baptist Church is our home church. It happens to be a small independent Baptist church where the King James Bible is upheld and music standards have not turned to the world nor to the modern church scene.

We desire to see souls won for Him; we also care about their spiritual growth. On our last blog entry we urged folks to consider doing a salvation lesson with someone else and offer them a chance to accept Jesus as their Saviour. We actually had a very special Christmas day joy of our own using Bible To You lessons!

A young couple with small children had accepted our offer to help them to be discipled by doing Bible To You lessons, but our paths did not cross again until Christmas Day. We were able to start their journey through the lessons on Christmas morning when we presented them with lessons 1 and 2 for adults and a storyline lesson for their first grader. The young man’s mother was there also, so we offered her 2 lessons to work on. She  received them as gladly as if we had given her a Christmas gift!

Any time you share the Word of God, it is a gift! Maybe some Bible To You gifts went out from you, for Christmas. If not, then why not give the gift of His Word for New Years?! there is still time!


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