It’s Worth it All!

We recently travelled to North Carolina to share Bible To You with others at a missions conference at a Baptist College. We were well received and cared for by both staff and students. The fellowship with other people who were representing  twenty nine other missionary boards and missionary helps was fantastic!

This was our first time to put all of our lessons , including children’s and Spanish, on flash drives. A great many folks had never heard of Bible To You and were grateful to have it available for their use in ministries they are involved with.  We lost the exact count of people who chose to use the internet and those who asked for a flash drive, but out of 40 flash drives, we only carried a few home. That was amazing!

We made the flash drives, drove 500 miles each way, in our own car, and spent money on gas, food, and motels.  The days there started at 8AM and did not end until 9 PM. Before we got home, a deer ran out in front of  us and demolished the front and part of a side of our car.  Both, the deer and the car were totaled!

Was it really worth the time and money to carry this out?  We think so; we were able to get the lessons into more states.  One state was Alaska, where a young lady was returning to her Father’s church near Anchorage, where she plans to disciple 7 children who they have led to the Lord. The Lord prospered the work by also getting the lessons into several new countries such as Spain and Japan; we add that multiple churches in the States now have a great discipleship program!

The Word of God is worth more than anyone can value or buy, but getting it into the hearts and minds of others costs far less than its’ worth, not to mention how greatly God can be glorified as lives are challenged or changed for eternity! It’s worth it all!!!

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