Author Archives: carlearley

A Blessing This Week

We had a blessing this week. Preacher Dwayne Clark’s oldest three daughters were here to help with office work.  Their family is amazing! They work with the deaf camp every summer, here in PA. Their dad is a fantastic preacher! … Continue reading

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Fourteen Years of Reaching and Teaching

While copying old camcorder tapes to CDs this week, we found one from 14 years ago that was recorded in a church in Michigan. It was a tape of church members who had been using the Bible To You lessons … Continue reading

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God Provides for His Work

At this time in our lives, we struggle physically just to manage our home, be faithful to church and endeavor to  use this wonderful ministry, Bible To You in an active and productive way, for our wonderful Lord! We can … Continue reading

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The Will to Reach and Teach

Our hearts and hands have been given over to reaching and teaching. Part of that is reaching out to children. Our example, of course, is Jesus! Jesus went to people in need of salvation, but they also needed relief from … Continue reading

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Notes to another ministry using BTY lessons

We have the honor of aiding a ministry which reaches North Eastern United States prisons. The administrator shared these notes about Bible To You lessons his office sent out. “Brother R., thank you for sending me the Bible studies and … Continue reading

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Lessons for ladies are here!

They are here!  Four ladies lessons and the answer sheets are now available!  Look  under the Adult/ For Women Only/ tab on the website. Click the “Adult Lessons” tab, then click on the “For Women Only link”, and there they … Continue reading

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Assurance of answered prayer

Mr. Earley and I pray daily for the folks we minister to with the lessons. Here are two assurances of answers to those prayers. From Randy: I want to say that bible To You has really helped me in my … Continue reading

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He is Able

God has allowed Carl and me to experience a time of financial depletion in both the ministry and the home. We were faced with the need to adjust our lives in many ways to accommodate the new set of circumstances, … Continue reading

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Can we help?

Carl and I take new sign-ups from others. We started more than 20 years ago by accepting sign-ups from an evangelist who was preaching in several prisons each week. He was sending 40 or more new sign-ups a week! That … Continue reading

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Are you doing what you could do?

As Carl and I  finished our weekly mail returns of Bible To You lessons and prepared the “Bits of Home Chat”, my thoughts turned from our students, to those of you who could have your own students. These lessons are … Continue reading

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