Still ministering, how about you

Praise God for His unending grace and peace! Carl and I have not been well for a couple of weeks. It was a time of frustration in some ways. We are too old in body to make up for lost time. Nonetheless, it was a time when we chose to seek God’s face for direction so that we might accomplish the most for Him!

Our students’ lessons came in as usual and, by God’ grace, they went out as usual.  They represented the hearts of many people who are thirsting for God’s Word. They thrive on the presence of the Lord more, as shut ins and inmates, than ever before. Some have been giving testimony of how their lives have change greatly since working through Bible To You lessons. Some have been meeting with several others on a regular basis to do these lessons and then pray together.

Wow, when we see what God can do with the offering of two lives, even in older age, it is amazing! Maybe some of you, who are reading this, have been wishing you could serve the Lord in just such a way but have not found a ministry that you can to do. Why not try BTY? You may not like to reach out by mail, but you can have Bible studies in your home, at a neighbor’s house or as an incentive for kids. We are still ministering, how about you?!

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