Author Archives: carlearley

Sin in a Life is Like Weeds

I have been weeding in the garden a good deal lately, as the weeds got ahead of us. What a job! It was a good time to talk to the Lord, so I prayed for our students as I worked. … Continue reading

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Firing our Engines

God has not just carried us through the recent illness, but He has blessed us much. Numerous people sent love gifts that were needed, if we are to continue with ministry work. As an example of general output covered, we … Continue reading

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Grieved that we have been unable to post.

Hello folks, It grieves us that our contact with you has been interrupted for some weeks. We have had COVID. We are nearly back to normal so I trust to be in contact regularly once more! the most recent ladies’ … Continue reading

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Recently Asked Question Answered

A student asked why some say we should worship on Saturday. Some teach Sabbath worship. Part of our answer is as follows. Much of it was taken directly from Way of Life’s web site. Perhaps this will help someone else! … Continue reading

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We Love Bible To you

This is an email we saved back a number of months ago to help us remember that Bible To You lessons are needed. They are serving God’s purpose. Oh how wonderful to be serving a God who can take the … Continue reading

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International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is by far a false god celebration. Seeking a gender equal world means erasing the God given worth of a man and the God given worth of a woman. Satan encourages us to rise up against God.  … Continue reading

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One country against God

America, the beautiful, the Land of the free and the brave! One nation under God. A nation of the people, by the people, and for the people. That is the Land that we loved and thanked God for! We now … Continue reading

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Every Christian needs other Christians

Two students sent notes of thanks that remind us of their need, not only for the Word which we send, but also for the personal touch we try to give everyone. Perhaps you would enjoy hearing their notes.  JB wrote:” … Continue reading

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Faithful Saints

A few weeks ago a call came in while we were away. To our surprise, it was a brother in Christ, from New Jersey. He used to have an outreach to children in which he used Bible To You lessons. … Continue reading

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Matthew 25:31-45…BTY is a work of true sheep!

One of our present students wrote that he was alone, in prison, no longer cared for by family. He said that since we have been corresponding with him, he is much happier; he says he is blessed by our work. … Continue reading

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