This Great Work

Many are lost and dying, far from the peaceful shore;                                                                      Some have just not listened, but many have never heard before!                                                  Oh, let us pray and labour! Let us tell of Father, Spirit , and Son;                                                Ever true to our blessed redeemer, let us labour till this great work is done!

A poem I had written in May of 2000. It is still my heart’s cry!

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Psalm 96 and our Baptist Ways

Psalm 96 has several verses containing our Baptist ways.  Verse 2 tells us to show forth his salvation from day to day.  We believe in witnessing to the lost around us. Our Baptists believe in separation from the world’s ways as well as from doctrines falsely derived by men. (Witnessing and separation)

Verse 3 says to declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all people. Not only do we witness daily, but we also send forth missionaries to His glory!

Why do we do this? Verses 4&5 declare that the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: He is to be feared above all gods, and the Lord made the heavens.  He is Creator God!

Our God is so great that honour and majesty are before Him!  Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary!  As Baptists we join together in worship, prayer and fellowship regularly and faithfully.

Verses 8-10 Speak of God’s dues. 1. He is due glory to His name (Our lives are to be lived so that He is glorified) 2. He is due an offering when we come into His courts  3.  He is due our worship (because He is LORD)  3.  He is due our declaring to the heathen that He Reigns and that the world shall not be moved.  4. God’s due is that we tell the heathen that He will judge people, all people, righteously.

That’s an amazing Psalm describing many of our Baptist ways.

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Who will Go?

Who will go?  In I Samuel 26:6  David asked two men,  “Who will go down with me to Saul to the camp?”  And Abishai said, I will go down with thee. Two were asked to go with David, into the camp of their enemy, King Saul, who was seeking David to slay him.  Only one stepped out and accompanied David.

In Isaiah 6:8, Isaiah the prophet  responded to the question of God,  “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us”?   Isaiah understood that he was going to carry a message to a people who would not receive the very words he was to deliver.  Nonetheless Isaiah answered God, ” Here am I; send me.”

Who will receive the mantel?  The record of Elijah’s mantel and his departure from the earth, and Elisha’s desire to step into Elijah’s place, is found in II Kings 2:1-14.  It is the account of the end of one godly and faithful prophet’s life, and the one he trained, taking up the mantel and being found with double the amount of faith that Elijah had! Elisha then went on to serve the Lord, as a mighty prophet of God!

The baton must be passed if the race is to be won! In sporting events such as relay races, one team member carries a baton while running a portion of the way.  Another team member, who has strength for the next part,  moves in and accepts the baton as it is passed to him.

Carl and I are praying for the next one in the “Bible To You” race to accept the baton, and continue to run at full speed ahead for the Lord.  The next to work, advancing the lessons, adding to them, perhaps making booklets, and using the internet to reach and teach with “Bible To You”.  We need the next one who will let the churches, pastors, evangelists, teachers, church workers, and missionaries know that this tool is available!

Who will go; who will receive the mantel; who is prepared to accept the baton and run on? Plead with God to prepare an “Isaiah”, an “Elisha”, an “Abishai” or perhaps one of each!

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God is Still in Control

This week our country has experienced violent weather.  Many states have had  blizzards, flooding, or tornadoes.  In this week’s Bits of Home Chat,  I shared many scriptures that speak of God’s causing earthquakes to show His presence, or to work out His plan in working with man and this sin cursed world.

A new listing of  Bits of Home Chat should be on the website soon.  they are from the first of this year until now. You may wish to watch for them.

Here are the scriptures on earthquakes that were in this week’s “Bits”:                                      Focus verse or memory verse: Matthew 24:7  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

1Kings19:12;  Isaiah 29:6;  Amos 1:1;  Zechariah 14:5;  Matthew 13: 8; 27:54; 28:2 ; Luke 21:11;  Acts 16:26 ; Revelation 6:12;  8:5; 11:13 & 19; 16:18

America has gone far from God. Perhaps God is warning our Americans to repent and turn to Him. We believe He is. Whatever the reason, God is still in control!

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1, 2, 3, GO!

1, 2, 3, GO! Have you ever gotten behind a car that needed pushed to get it moving? It usually takes more than one person to do the job, and they all have to be working together, right?  Here at the home of Bible To You, we are faced with a new challenge. One of our students needs lessons in the Karen language so he can take what he is learning, and then teach it in the Karen language, a language spoken in Myanmar and the border of Thailand.

We are in contact with several godly men who are using their time and effort to help move this need forward. Where do you come in, well, if you can’t help directly, then go to your prayer closet for us. God will use the caring of your hearts for this Christ centered effort to glorify his Son, in getting the gospel to these needy people.

Alright, 1, 2, 3, Go!

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Work and Pray; Pray and Work

Hi Friends, How are you?  Are you able to reach and teach?  If you are not, I am so sorry; I know that hurts! Pray for us, will you?

If you are reaching and teaching, don’t excuse yourself and quit due to low response numbers. Pray and work; work and pray!

In recent weeks, we sent out multiple invitations to inmates, welcoming them to do Bible To You lessons. Though we sent to many, only 2 or 3 responded by doing lesson one on salvation. Of those three, one man said that he had been begging God to give him someone to help him in his Christian walk; one woman was very pleased to get the lesson for other reasons. At the same general time that those two returned their finished lessons and personal notes, we received a lesson one from a man who was either someone else’s sign-up or one of the multiple ones we sent out. He signed that he was saved the day he did the lesson.

We struggle with frustration over the hard work put forth with so little response. However, had we given up, who would have helped the first two?  Who would have reached the lost soul? So, once again, pray and work, work and pray!

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Harvest Labourers Still Needed!

This week our founder was able to spend quality time in the office, thanks to the Lord, who is adding strength, following his broken arm. He smiled when giving the tally for this week’s mail-outs. Together we prepared and sent out close to 100 lessons, 150 tracts, one Bible and 3 certificates for students who completed a series of lessons.

This brief entry is only to thank God and give honor to him, plus to encourage our readers and fellow servants. How many more weeks are left for harvesting is uncertain, but the condition of many people is hopeless apart from someone who will care for their souls.

Harvest labourers are needed today and every day until The Lord’s return for His Bride. are you harvesting in God’s field? If not, why not?  Jesus lamented to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few”.  He urged them to pray for more labourers.

You need not spend hours each day or each week. But are you willing to spend even a couple of hours teaching a Bible To You lesson to someone else? If a 76 year old man who battles cancer, a broken arm and sleep apnea can labour in the harvest, I’ll just bet that a lot of folks around are simply not answering the call. Whatever you can do, you should do! Harvest labourers are still needed!


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Carrying The Dirt Back In

Our family Christmas is like a reunion.  Our children and grandchildren all live and work in different areas. They all serve in Fundamental Baptist churches so their lives are busy. Their work hours also vary, keeping them from visiting each other much of the year.  But when Family Christmas rolls around, they do their best to get here to hug each other, share their own special stories of their year, and just enjoy each other’s company!

One day before Family Christmas I decided to clean the garage and bring people in through it, rather than have them enter by way of the “too small” front porch, which has a storm-door that tends to bang shut when released, shoving the last person through with a jolt!

We do not have a blacktop or cement driveway so dirt and silt are carried into the garage on the car’s tires.  Because I had neglected it too long, I had a lot of the stuff to sweep up and clean off the garage floor.  If I had not done that, our visitors would have been dragging dirt into the house, causing filth inside our home! I would not have been happy if all, or even part, of that dirt got dragged in! So, I made the decision to remove the dirt. I had to use  two different brooms followed by a couple of buckets of hot soapy water; what a job!  But, with the cleaning done, the garage held no more threat to my house. What a blessing!

Now that just reminds me of the Christians’ lives, and how we can get the dirt and silt from the world back into our spiritual lives through the brain, our physical garage. This world and it’s wickedness is literally raining down around us, washing its’ dirt into our lives and settling in the flesh’s garage, the  brain. From there it can easily be carried into our very lives, leaving the Holy Sirit within our house grieved!  Therefore it must be cleaned out, and the oftener, the better!

The Word of God, and sincere prayer of confession are two of God’s  brooms He gave us to keep filth swept up and cleaned out.  The blood of Jesus still washes away confessed sin like the buckets of hot, soapy water.

We need to check our human garages to see what filth has gotten in there, and we need to read, or remind ourselves, of  God’s Word, confess our faults to him, and then guard our human garages, so that we are no longer carrying the dirt back in!

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His Wonderful Gifts Proclaimed!

Faith Baptist Church put on their Christmas Cantata today and I am still humming the music from it. We sang songs like “Only Jesus”, “Then Love Came Down”,  and “Bow The Knee”, songs that brought forth feelings of adoration to our God for His gifts to us. Those gifts range from life in general to life eternal, and life lived in between! ( For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. Colossians 1:16&17)

Though man was, by nature, sinful and unfit for Heaven or for God’s fellowship, God sent forth his son to live and to die. Jesus shed his blood on the cross, making the only sacrifice that could wash our sin. The song “Then Love Came Down” proclaims “Then love came down wrapped up in a baby’s birth!”  and also “When sin did abound, then love came down”! Oh, the wonder of it all!

The song “Only Jesus” asks who can wash my sin away, and who can give me victory every day, and who can lead me all the way? The answer sounds forth, “…only Jesus”!

“Bow The Knee”  declares, “Bow the knee, bow the knee! He is King of all the ages, bow the knee. God alone on his throne! See him high and lifted up and bow the knee! Kneel before him; all adore him! As you learn to love him more, bow the knee.”

Our choir is small, but our God is big, and we rejoiced in proclaiming our adoration and praise for his wonderful gifts!

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It’s Worth it All!

We recently travelled to North Carolina to share Bible To You with others at a missions conference at a Baptist College. We were well received and cared for by both staff and students. The fellowship with other people who were representing  twenty nine other missionary boards and missionary helps was fantastic!

This was our first time to put all of our lessons , including children’s and Spanish, on flash drives. A great many folks had never heard of Bible To You and were grateful to have it available for their use in ministries they are involved with.  We lost the exact count of people who chose to use the internet and those who asked for a flash drive, but out of 40 flash drives, we only carried a few home. That was amazing!

We made the flash drives, drove 500 miles each way, in our own car, and spent money on gas, food, and motels.  The days there started at 8AM and did not end until 9 PM. Before we got home, a deer ran out in front of  us and demolished the front and part of a side of our car.  Both, the deer and the car were totaled!

Was it really worth the time and money to carry this out?  We think so; we were able to get the lessons into more states.  One state was Alaska, where a young lady was returning to her Father’s church near Anchorage, where she plans to disciple 7 children who they have led to the Lord. The Lord prospered the work by also getting the lessons into several new countries such as Spain and Japan; we add that multiple churches in the States now have a great discipleship program!

The Word of God is worth more than anyone can value or buy, but getting it into the hearts and minds of others costs far less than its’ worth, not to mention how greatly God can be glorified as lives are challenged or changed for eternity! It’s worth it all!!!

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