Working this Ministry is Effective!

Working this ministry is effective, as you will see from this blog. Some weeks ago we sent out letters to people who had ceased to return their Bible lessons. We thought that, by now, everyone who wished to continue their work had already written back. But this week we got a lesson and note from a man named Will. Here is what he told us:

God bless you. Sorry it has taken so long to reply. I went through a dark patch and couldn’t shake it. I don’t feel worthy, or deserve God’s love. Been really depressed and couldn’t shake it. Truthfully, I just gave up on myself. But between your letter, and God, who keeps hounding me to continue my Bible studies, I told him I would pick them back up and continue with them.  Sorry, this place tears you down…! Please forgive me, and thankyou.

We certainly did not hold anything against him. Alright folks, do you see that working at this ministry is effective? It truly is!

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“Blank Spots, Suffering, and the God of Grace”

Blank spots are real , but not necessarily bad, as seen in God’s Word. There was a blank spot in God’s speaking between Malachi and Matthew with good reason. We have not added a blog since mid July of this year. Carl broke his left arm in a place where doctor’s could not cast it. His suffering has been immensely worse than for those who’s arm can be put in a cast.

Just when Carl was able to function somewhat each day, he received chemical burns on his left hand from poison ivy. He also had the ivy on his chest, stomach, neck and face. We treated the hand with burn ointment and bandages twice a day until the blisters shrunk and the pain decreased. As for the ivy on his body, the itching lasted, even with prednisone, two weeks or more, disrupting his sleep and wearing on his nerves.

The God of grace was our strength, our help, our Rock through it all. Our weekly work with Bible To You was continued except for one week, praise his name!

Lord willing, we will be updating and encouraging you every two weeks or so, as before the blank spot. Pray that the God of grace will see fit to add helpers here, who are capable, so we can avoid more blank spots!

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“Bible To You Uses God’s Propulsion”

We apologize for the gap in time since our last post. The Lord allowed some physical trials which took a lot of our time and effort, but not our service to the Lord. As a matter of fact, the Lord has sustained our Bible To You  work and brought along another missionary who could carry the lessons by memory stick (thumb drive) to another country.

We are just now able to get a memory stick to Brother Patterson for use in the Philippines, but in the meantime, the lessons were shared with a mission work in Gianna. That’s because our Lord’s ability surpasses our own. God sent this man along unexpectedly.

We recently viewed several documentaries about the early development of airplanes and their particular strengths and abilities as they were developed through the various wartimes. They went from using a motor similar to a tractor motor to jet propulsion. God has power that far exceeds any and all jet propulsion. He can get things to any place on the earth!

While grounded here, God still sent forth Bible To You in a totally unexpected way. That’s because Bible To You uses God’s propulsion!!!

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A Personal Touch

  Every two weeks we send a chat about home happenings or church news. (We are careful not to share names of others unless they say it is alright. We never share personal information about children, only general, such as, “The kids of some friends were over and helped with the mowing, which was a real blessing.” You must use discretion.)

On the back of their half sheet “Bits of Home Chat”, we give them extra verses to memorize and to build them up spiritually. The following are the admonitions we shared with our students this week as we prepared their lessons to mail back.

Memory Verse: Psalm 107:8 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! 

            (Let us praise Him for His wonderful works. Jesus suffered unbelievably without comforters and in humiliation, a tragic death to pay for our sin. He gives believers eternal life, a home in Heaven, and a full part in the inheritance of Jesus. Those are indeed wonderful works!)

 Verses to Ponder: Psalm 128:1 & 2; Psalm 112:1; 115:13; 119:1

             (Let us look to Him with reverential awe. Look to him as the one whom you will choose to obey and to honor above all others.  That is what the fear of the Lord means.)

Perhaps you already mail to folks and would consider adding a  personal touch by sharing stories about everyday life or interesting facts about science and the Bible, stories about Hymn writers, or whatever the Lord gives you!

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Responding to Monitors

Most of you are familiar with hospital monitors going off. If one or more vital signs spikes or drops sharply, the alarm may get louder, faster, or change in pitch. This is designed to let a caregiver know to check on you.  Nurses are often the first to respond, but alarms that warn of a life-threatening problem can bring several people rushing to help.

While studying to build Lady You are Special #5, which is in three parts, I had to read a whole plethora of scriptures to choose which ones would be most effective without overload in any one segment.  As I read, lights in my head started flashing; then beepers began to go off. The longer I read, the louder the beepers sounded till they rattled my whole being! I realized that many Christians are spiritually in danger for their lack of self-sacrifice and an overload of poisonous stuff influencing them, leaving them in need of spiritual monitors.

Due to the years that America has replaced God’s Word in the public schools with humanistic philosophies , and the encroaching socialism in our universities, many people who have accepted Christ as their Saviour lack the knowledge and understanding of principles for living spiritually well lives, causing spiritual sickness.

In Wednesday Bible time, our pastor said that we have learned the self-life, consumed with getting what will make us happy. That happiness is short lived, leaving us starved for more.  I add that, too soon the self-monitor within goes off, and we rush to find fulfillment. Those well placed human monitors are short circuited and need to be replaced. For the child of God, the monitor needed is the Word of God. 

Since training in the Bible way of self-sacrifice is nearly erased from American’s minds, godly living functions are missing, causing severe spiritual sickness!  Do you see the flashing lights and hear the ever loud beepers that warn pastors, teachers, and individual Christians that they need to rush to the aid of the spiritually endangered brethren?!

Bible To You lessons have been developed to inject the right medicine into your spiritual patients! Respond quickly; the monitors are going off!  You must hurry lest the patients succumb!

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Enjoy Seeing Our Beautiful State, Pennsylvania

Linked to our site are some pictures of our beautiful state, Pennsylvania. We hope to add more ASAP.  Just take a moment and scroll down on the right side of the Home page to find the link. Many good things still can come out of Pennsylvania.  After all,  Bible To You is located here!

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Redeeming the Time

In recent weeks we have stood by our family as they awaited the death of someone near and dear. It has been very difficult for them and for their loved one, but God has worked in and through this time. Our dear sister in Christ is now in Glory, while the rest of us remain here, redeeming the Time and awaiting the Lord’s coming for the saints. (Ephesians 5:16)
Now we must return to giving more time and attention to this ministry work. After praying much for direction, God has led us to work with a fellow servant of the Lord in hopes of getting the lessons into use in Granada, an Island that is one hundred miles north of Venezuela.

The schools there have allowed our brother in Christ, Tom, to speak to their student bodies and to give out KJV Bibles to all teachers and students. Our Brother will, after recovering somewhat from knee surgery, being done today, begin to review the lessons and consider how they might be used there in Granada. Please pray for the recovery of Brother Tom and for the directing and success of this work of getting children and adults in Granada won to Christ, and then discipled through the use of Bible To You lessons.

We told Brother Tom that we are willing to provide free copies of lessons if that is needed. We also offered to send thumb drives or CD’s filled with children’s or adult work.

The two of us have a desire to see the lessons used on the Figgie Islands, as well as Granada, but the man we had in mind as our correspondent for that, is not able to begin work there. Pray for the door to open on those Islands.

Pray for the working out of details and the Lord’s help as we get busy redeeming the time. Let us all redeem the time, as we see the day approaching, when Jesus will take us out of this world and settle us in Glory, along with our dear sister in Christ. (I Thessalonians 4: 13-18)



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Fellowship of the Brethren

Hi there, to all of our earthly, but heavenly family, brethren! How are you? We ask that sincerely! Drop a line or two to let us know what’s up in your life. It helps us to know how to pray for you. Our Resurrection Sunday was full, with church and Sunday School in AM, dinner with our sons and others, then 5:00 evening service, followed by a time of more food and fellowship.

Fellowship is a vital part of our Christian lives. We fellowship as brothers and sisters in Christ; we are brethren. Do you know why we call each other brethren? In Hebrews 2:11,12,17; Hebrews 3:1 & 12, and in Hebrews 10:19 and 13:22, Jesus calls the saved, brethren. Prior to that, Jesus called his followers, brethren, in the gospels. We are called brethren by Paul repeatedly in the books of Acts, Romans, I & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, and I Thessalonians, and once in II Thessalonians.

We are to love one another, forgive one another, and forbear one another, as brethren. This subject is covered, at least briefly, in New Life Series, lesson 3, page 2. The lesson itself will remind you of God’s expected behavior toward all men and before all men, as an example of godliness, but especially toward the brethren, thus maintaining fellowship.

Have you seen this lesson yet? If not, we recommend that you take time to review it. Pulling up the answer key will be the best way to review its content. We trust that you will be helped, or that you are able to teach others how brethren are to be a godly example before the world, and for Jesus Christ.  Jesus is our brother as well as our Savior. We need to fellowship with Him and with the brethren. Until next time, God bless you all, dear brethren!

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Sending King James Bibles

We recently had the pleasure of meeting a young man from Ohio, who has a ministry outreach  to sportsmen. We spoke with him by phone to see if we could offer him any help. During the conversation he asked, “Do you send out Bibles?”. Our answer, of course was, “Yes, we do”.

He shared that somehow, a man in a Texas prison had gotten his name and address, and wrote, asking if he could send him a Bible. He asked if we would mind doing that for him. We were very pleased to accommodate him in that area, and have since gotten a nice King James Bible to the inmate.

On lesson 4 of  Finding Direction In God’s Word we always ask if the student has a King James Bible or if he or she needs one. If they say they need one, we ship them a Bible that we purchase from Missionary Bible and Literature Foundation.

What a thrill it has been, over the past 25 or so years, to not only get good Bible lessons to folks, but to also send out Bibles to all who need one!

If you know of someone who needs a King James Bible, and you cannot get it to them, please contact us. We will gladly send them one! If you are using the lessons to teach, it would be wise to make sure that all of your students have the correct Bible. If you need our help, please do not hesitate to call or text and ask for Carl.

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The Stops of a Good Man

Hello to all of you, “BTY” followers! We are doing a “BTY” run through Virginia, North and South Carolina and Florida. We experienced many difficulties in the first days on the road! We constantly sought God for direction. We asked Him to show us if we were to turn around and go back home, but God said to keep going and just follow His leading, and we did.

There was cold and unusually windy winter weather on the mountains where the truck broke down one day and the RV’s heat system failed for two days causing us to have to get motel rooms two nights. We hated paying for a room when we had an RV in the parking lot!  

I like to say that the stops of a good man are ordered by the Lord! Those stops                      had us right where we were needed! In one situation we were able to direct                          a lady, who helped us, back to a more faithful walk with the Lord

While working to get our furnace running again, a dear man found his heart turned back from bitterness against God for the death of his child and 2 other family members. This all came about as Kay reached out with tracts while Carl attended to getting the camper or the truck back to where we could move on.  

As a result of following God through what seemed like a wilderness journey, Carl found preachers who were either just starting jail or prison outreach or were already doing it.  Each one said that he wondered what he was going to do to properly disciple his people.

They were excited to see the lessons and their content, and said that they would be plugging into the Bible To You lessons! One layman was starting a home for men in recovery, or just getting out of prison but desiring to learn God’s way of living.

 Since getting into Florida, there have been numerous blessings as our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Fundamental Independent Baptist, King James Bible churches as Carl challenges the brethren to redeem the time by using Bible To You lessons in any capacity they are able to use it.

 We are hearing these kinds of statements: “I was just looking for something like that”  or  “I have been wondering about some of the things you wrote about”!  So, our friends, We will continue along the paths God leads us on. We beseech you to pray for the advancement of God’s Word through Bible To You as we make this run. And remember, the stops of a good man are ordered by the Lord!

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