There were two subjects that came up often in conversations that seemed in need of  Bible lessons with clear, unquestionable teaching to help others make vital decisions.

One is the subject of “Hell”, an unthinkably horrible place that far too many are heading for, and can be warned of.  This lesson stands alone as a powerful teaching aid!

The other subject was on “burial versus cremation”,  which you may have wondered how we can find enough proof in God’s Word to show God’s way to those who need to recognize that our culture, and our reasoning, have led Christians into a pagan practice!

These lessons are on this site, ready for your use. Use them well; the need is great!

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Spread the Word


Spread the Word to other ministries, other churches, other missionaries that there is a good KJV soul winning/ discipleship program available. We have been in the South visiting Fundamental Independent Baptist Churches, challenging folks to better teach as they reach.

It is becoming more and more clear that just having the lessons on the internet is not enough. Most pastors, teachers and missionaries have never heard of Bible To You. On this trip so far, God has led us to five ministries who were in need of a KJV discipleship program!


We praise God that He led the way. You see, we were “blown off course”, so to speak, by unforeseen difficulties. The change of course placed us exactly where the people with the need were! At this point we are realizing that we need help in spreading the Word about Bible To You.

Will you help? Folks, you may have a need in your own church. There may be a missionary coming through your church soon. Perhaps you have a friend who would love to reach to others with a mail-out program, or a person who could teach children after school hours! If you are a pastor, you may consider contacting another pastor who could use the materials. Why not help to see that God gets the honor for this work by helping to move it along. God would bless you for it!

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“Bible To You” is Here to Help

It seems that the time is growing short for us to live and serve the Lord, for we believe that the signs of the Time are showing the strong possibility of the Lord’s return! As we shop and buy gas we see the prices rising shockingly! It makes low income home owners like us, wonder how to keep paying the taxes and doing upkeep. It does not really matter, for God can supply water in the dessert, food carried by ravens, a feast outside of a starving city, and on and on!  I remembered something my 95-year-old Bible scholar friend told me. She said that the American monetary system has to fail so that the government would join the other nations in a one world monetary system.

That told me that the one world government is not too far off, as we can see. God did say that Christians  should be able to discern the time, Matthew 16:3.  We plan to keep on spreading God’s Word, affecting lives, changing their direction from roaming in the world, to preparing for eternity with the Lord! How we long to know that each of you is staying on the right path, and striving to please the Lord, and reaching to others in order to change the direction they are going spiritually.

Bible To You is here to help, so please spread the word to others about the effective sets of lessons available. We are the Light of the world, but we are also the ones who take that light. One missionary said it like this; Jesus cannot go with his own light, therefore many people cannot see light. We must take the light in His place. Time is short; who knows how long we really have. The Bible to You lessons are free except for some paper and ink; use them before we cannot even afford paper and ink!

P.S. One of our female students was recently released to go home. She wrote requesting that we continue sending her the lessons at home, praise God!

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The Gift of God’s Word

Faith Baptist Church is our home church. It happens to be a small independent Baptist church where the King James Bible is upheld and music standards have not turned to the world nor to the modern church scene.

We desire to see souls won for Him; we also care about their spiritual growth. On our last blog entry we urged folks to consider doing a salvation lesson with someone else and offer them a chance to accept Jesus as their Saviour. We actually had a very special Christmas day joy of our own using Bible To You lessons!

A young couple with small children had accepted our offer to help them to be discipled by doing Bible To You lessons, but our paths did not cross again until Christmas Day. We were able to start their journey through the lessons on Christmas morning when we presented them with lessons 1 and 2 for adults and a storyline lesson for their first grader. The young man’s mother was there also, so we offered her 2 lessons to work on. She  received them as gladly as if we had given her a Christmas gift!

Any time you share the Word of God, it is a gift! Maybe some Bible To You gifts went out from you, for Christmas. If not, then why not give the gift of His Word for New Years?! there is still time!


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How many of you remember the song, I’m Dreaming of a white Christmas?  All the Christmas preparations as well as our devotional reading from Galatians of Christ Jesus being the supreme sacrifice that satisfied the Law and made an atonement for sin, got us thinking of what a wonder it was the day each of us was washed as white as snow by the Saviour!

Perhaps someone may experience that wonder of being washed by the blood of Jesus this Christmas week, or even on Christmas day. Check out Finding Direction In God’s Word, Lesson One to see if you may be able to lead someone, in need of the Saviour,  through the lesson. Take note that there are Finding Direction In God’s Word-Lesson Ones in Adult, Junior, Primary, and Spanish adult series.

What a wonderful way to give someone else a white Christmas, all clean and white inside, if they will receive the Lord’s way of salvation. What an easy way to make their need clear, as well as making the way of salvation clear, by copying out a lesson and doing it with someone! At the end, you can invite them to repent and ask God for salvation through Jesus! Then they will be washed; they shall be white as snow, and have their own White Christmas, so to speak!

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A Challenge for Your December

The following is a portion of our “Bits of Home Chat” we will be sending to our students for a few weeks. We are sharing it with you in order to spur you on into a more effective witness life through December 2022! By the way, have you begun using the lessons yet? there are lots to choose from? 

It’s already December of 2022; where has the time gone?! It has been a blessing to have much less results from COVID although we lost several relatives and friends to it. It feels so much better to walk among people without experiencing their fear of getting too near to me. That is helping me to get the children’s tracts into the hands of mom’s and dad’s when I see they have children with them.

Yesterday I thought I saw a little girl following a gramma, but it was a downs person. I quickly decided that I would go ahead anyway and give it, so I asked if the older lady would share it with her. She took it with reserve, but at least she took it. That cute little tract with the plan of salvation in easy-to-understand form, can speak to even an older person, so whoever reads it will have the witness of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit will be there to say, “This is of the Son of God, the Saviour of the earth”! Oh, how wonderful the Word of God is!

This is the month we commemorate and greatly celebrate the birth of Jesus. Our hearts should swell with the very thought that He left Heaven, took on the form of a man, lived as the child of a carpenter , a common person, and then died in pain and disgrace as He bore the sins of the whole world!

This month, you folks as well as Carl and I, must remember that we have, within us, the Holy Spirit. We have in our hands, the Word of God! We need to use the witness of the Word to show the way to new life in Christ! Pray for a revival of us Christians and for an impowering to reach to the lost.

We need the power and the leading of God to be effective. Give God extra time. Confess sins and ask for renewal wherever you need it. Dedicate the rest of December to aiding others to have the opportunity God gave you through his Word! Worship Him in the spirit of holiness; praise Him for physical life and for eternal life. There is not much of 2022 left, but it can be used to the greater glory of God, if we have the will to do so!

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      Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

From the Earleys, with Bible To You

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Family Traits

See the source image

👨‍👦‍👦  Even when children from a family differ, they usually have noticeable family traits when seen together. As members of the family of God, we will be more recognizable as His child as we learn His Word and practice His ways. That comes largely from learning and applying God’s Word. In order to do that we must learn from reading and learning the Word of God. That’s where we, who have matured some in the Lord, must advance the work of the Lord, not only in leading others to salvation but going on to make disciples of the Lord.

🤷‍♂️  Why are so many teachers of cults and man made religions making disciples, but we who are saved and separated, are found wanting in this task? How many Sound Christians do you know who are actively teaching others? Folks, it is past time to get out of our CHRISTIAN COMFORT ZONES and move into the CHRISTIAN WORK ZONE.

😊  BIBLE TO YOU  lessons are ready to use, free of charge, and quite practical to use in teaching both children and adults. Why not use them to the glory of God! Maybe you cannot manage a lot; how about starting small? That’s exactly what we did; look at the results just in this web-site. Add to that 20 plus years of reaching by mail to shut-ins and to prisoners. The little beginning was blessed by the God who wants His family to show forth their Godly family traits!

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What a blessing it was to hear from a godly man and lady who were seeking effective, useable, KJV material. Just last week a call came in from them. Their desire to reach out and teach is just like ours, it seems! They desire to reach out to truckers, reach in to elderly citizens, and reach also to Amish folks in their area.

These folks do not have a computer so they asked if we could make them copies of the lessons and send those on to them. We used to do all of our work that way in our pre-internet years, so ASAP we began making copies for them. We actually did 2 sets of each in case some copies get damaged. Lord willing, those will be in the mail tomorrow!

That got me thinking that since they had also asked about the copyright, perhaps a lot of folks do not see our note that they may make copies of any and all lessons. The copyrights just keep them KJV and hopefully, keep some overly ambitious person from trying to take them from us for himself, as that once happened. 

Here’s the issue; feel free to copy and use “Bible To You” lessons! Hey, folks, our time on earth is short. 10,000 years from now, will you be fellowshipping with people who came to Jesus or grew strong in the Lord because you reached out using “Bible To You”?  Just submit to God, then COPY, TEACH and PRAY/ COPY, TEACH and PRAY/ COPY, TEACH and PRAY! You will also BEAR FRUIT and REJOICE, both here and evermore!

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Bring Children to Jesus; Teach Them His Ways

How seriously have you followed the actions of Jesus concerning learning, living, and teaching the children God’s Word and God’s ways? 

The Word of God must first be learn as seen in Deut. 4:10,Deut. 6:6-9 &            Deut. 11:19.

But in the New Testament, God told his disciples this:  “…but Jesus called them (little children) unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16

Jesus expects the Christian to actually bring the children to him. Children should have the chance to hear the exciting truths of God’s Word presented clearly.

If you don’t know God’s word, use the Bible To You lessons for adults. If you know it, or once you have learned it, use our children’s lessons to bring children to Jesus and then teach them the blessed ways of the Christlike walk!

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